Real Estate Values and Property Tax Valuation in Bay County, Florida

Bay County has 86,002 properties with a cumulative value of $16.4B, representing 0.79% of all real estate value in Florida. Property taxes in Bay County totaled $177.5M, with an average homeowner paying $2,103 in property taxes, which is lower than the state average of $3,597. The average property tax rate in Bay County is 1.08%, which is lower than the state average of 1.34%. Property taxes are based on the assessed value of the property, which is typically lower than the market value.

In Florida, property values are assessed on January 1st. Property value notices are issued in August and property tax appeal deadlines are typically 25 days from the date of the value notices, which is usually in September. Property tax bills are issued on November 1st.

Important Dates
Property Valuation Date:January 1st
Property Value Notices Issued:August
Property Tax Appeal Deadline:September or 25 days from date of value notices
Property Tax Bills Issued:November 1st
Real Property Tax Bill Due (1st of #):March 31st
Available Exemptions
Early Payment DiscountAvailable

Don't Miss Your Property Tax Appeal Deadline

Ownwell will automatically evaluate all new property tax assessments, identify if you should appeal, then handle the end to end property tax appeals process. With our Savings-or-Free guarantee, only pay 25% of your property tax bill savings after you save!

Real Estate Statistics in Bay County

Total Real Estate Value
Total Real Property Taxes
Average Property Tax Rate
# of Real Properties

Residential Property Taxes by Cities in Bay County

Bay County has an average property tax rate of 1.08%, which is slightly lower than the state average of 1.11%. This rate is applied to the assessed value of a property to calculate the amount of taxes due. The average Bay County property tax bill is estimated to be around $2,103.

Property tax rates vary across the cities in Bay County. Mexico Beach has the highest effective property tax rate at 1.48%, while Youngstown has the lowest effective property tax rate at 0.81%. This means that property owners in Mexico Beach will pay more in taxes than those in Youngstown. However, the difference in rates is not significant enough to make a major impact on the overall property tax burden in Bay County.

Tax Assessment Value

The following table shows the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentile of property assessment value in each city in Bay County. The tax assessment value may differ from the potential sale value, and is used to calculate the property tax for each piece of real estate.

City10th Percentile25th PercentileMedian75th Percentile90th Percentile
Lynn Haven$87,638$116,921$160,974$217,728$297,490
Mexico Beach$96,192$126,467$176,800$256,459$352,597
Panama City Beach$106,250$152,466$221,638$316,132$412,494
Panama City$42,660$77,581$138,258$214,072$314,767

Property Tax Bill

This table shows the percentiles of actual property tax paid on residential properties for each city in Bay County.

City10th Percentile25th PercentileMedian75th Percentile90th Percentile
Lynn Haven$585$1,058$1,693$2,504$3,365
Mexico Beach$1,369$1,814$2,676$3,982$5,580
Panama City Beach$946$1,614$2,382$3,697$4,928
Panama City$399$754$1,462$2,402$3,519

Effective Property Tax Rate

The effective property tax rate is calculated by dividing the property tax bill by the assessed value. For the percentiles below, the calculation is performed using the percentiles for property tax bill and assessed value above. Therefore, each consecutive percentile doesn't necessarily show a larger value.

City10th Percentile25th PercentileMedian75th Percentile90th Percentile
Fountain 0.40% 0.61% 0.83% 0.85% 0.91%
Lynn Haven 0.67% 0.90% 1.05% 1.15% 1.13%
Mexico Beach 1.42% 1.43% 1.51% 1.55% 1.58%
Panama City Beach 0.89% 1.06% 1.07% 1.17% 1.19%
Panama City 0.94% 0.97% 1.06% 1.12% 1.12%
Youngstown 0.19% 0.80% 0.75% 0.83% 0.93%

Reduce your property tax bill with Ownwell!

Ownwell saves property owner's $1,149 a year on their property taxes. Sign up in 5 minutes to start saving today! With our Savings-or-Free guarantee, only pay 25% of your property tax bill savings after you save!

Real Estate Values in Bay County

The median home price in Bay County, Florida decreased by 13.10% from October 2022 to October 2023, from $418.8K to $365.0K. This decrease in home prices was accompanied by a slight increase in home inventory, from 2.2K in October 2022 to 2.3K in October 2023. This suggests that the decrease in home prices is likely due to a decrease in demand for homes in the area.

Median Sale Value
Total Active Listings
Annual percent change in median sale price

Average Home Value in Bay County, Florida

Last updated: November 2023

Percent Change in Total Home Sales in Bay County

Last updated: November 2023

Percent Change in New Home Listings in Bay County

Last updated: November 2023

Reduce your property tax bill with Ownwell

Ownwell will evaluate your property tax assessment, build a case, and file an appeal. With our Savings-or-Free guarantee, only pay 25% of your property tax bill savings!

Mortgage Rates in Bay County

Mortgages in Bay County are a significant part of the local economy, with a total of $7.1 billion in outstanding loans. This represents a significant portion of the total home value in the county, and demonstrates the importance of home ownership in the area. The number of outstanding loans in Bay County is also quite high, with 36.6 thousand loans currently in place.

The median mortgage rate in Bay County varies significantly across cities, with Fountain having the highest rate at 5.03%, and Panama City Beach having the lowest rate at 3.94%. This variation in rates means that potential home buyers in Bay County should shop around to find the best deal for their needs. Ultimately, the total outstanding loan amount and the variation in rates across cities demonstrate the importance of mortgages in Bay County.

# of Outstanding Loans
Total Outstanding Loan Amount
Properties with Loans

Outstanding Mortgages

The table below shows the percentile distribution of outstanding loans on residential properties in Bay County by city.

City10th Percentile25th PercentileMedian75th Percentile90th Percentile
Lynn Haven$61,806$103,641$159,450$228,657$296,157
Mexico Beach$71,198$120,529$190,297$268,206$356,826
Panama City Beach$68,238$120,055$189,563$279,212$382,543
Panama City$48,301$89,082$152,086$226,613$308,062

Mortgage Rates

The following table shows the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentile of mortgage rates in cities across Bay County.

City10th Percentile25th PercentileMedian75th Percentile90th Percentile
Fountain 3.10% 3.86% 5.03% 6.52% 9.30%
Lynn Haven 2.90% 3.50% 4.13% 5.49% 6.39%
Mexico Beach 2.90% 3.20% 3.95% 4.60% 5.93%
Panama City Beach 2.80% 3.22% 3.94% 4.79% 6.14%
Panama City 2.90% 3.38% 4.02% 5.25% 6.33%
Youngstown 3.01% 3.75% 4.60% 6.00% 7.00%

Housing Expenses in Bay County, Florida

Reduce your property tax bill with Ownwell

Ownwell will evaluate your property tax assessment, build a case, and file an appeal. With our Savings-or-Free guarantee, only pay 25% of your property tax bill savings!

With Ownwell's property tax monitoring service ensures you'll never overpay on property taxes again.

How Ownwell works?

  1. Enter your property address and get an instant estimate of your potential tax savings based on local market data and our historical tax savings in your area.
  2. Sign up online and authorize Ownwell to fight your tax bill in less than 5 minutes.
  3. Sit back and let us get to work. Ownwell handles everything start to finish with no up-front costs. It’s all backed by our industry-leading Savings-or-Free Guarantee.
  4. When we save you money our fee is just 25% of your savings. If you don't save, you don't pay. We will continue to monitor your property taxes every year to ensure that you never overpay or have to worry about your property taxes again.

Reduce your property tax bill with Ownwell

Enter your property address and get an initial estimate of your potential tax savings based on local market data and our historical tax savings in your area. We never share or sell your information.

Frequently asked questions

We currently operate in Texas, California, Washington, Georgia, Florida and Illinois.
We use a private national data provider that cross-references with county recorder's offices to verify ownership. If in the event our system is unable to verify the property, our team will take further steps to investigate ownership and reach out to the customer for confirmation.
Our success rate varies across geographies; however, in any given year, we typically win more than 70% of our cases, saving clients an average of $1,457 on their property taxes.
Yes, in the market areas we serve, we have a dedicated Property Tax Consultant that is physically present in the market they are servicing. The specialist assigned to your property has the necessary geographical competence to provide exemplary service!
The average property tax rate in Bay County is 1.08%.
The following exemptions and discounts are available in Bay County: Charitable, Disabled, Early Payment Discount and Homestead